
Falling in Love with ClassTag

Happy Fall Ya’ll! If you aren’t using ClassTag, read on to learn why I love it! ClassTag is a free app that transforms how teachers connect with families, especially during unprecedented times when educators are teaching students virtually, in person, and/or hybrid.

Below are the reasons why I love ClassTag:


Parents/guardians can receive ClassTag notifications directly to their email and/or cell phone and in their preferred language. This makes communication easy breezy and all in one place, which families appreciate.


ClassTag offers a plethora of features that teachers can utilize to connect with parents/guardians, including:

  • Supply list- Parents/guardians know exactly what their child needs for class, and allows teachers to add supplies on as things run out.
  • Announcements- Teachers can schedule announcements in advance. I like to send announcements before tests and important upcoming dates.
  • Educational Resources- You can link ClassTag to your online site if you use Google classroom. You can also upload any course materials, photos, videos, documents, etc. that you want parents/guardians to have access to.
  • Events- Teachers can create events (field trips, class parties, etc.), request volunteers, and get donations. It is so easy to organize and host an event.
  • Parent Conferences- Teachers can create and schedule parent-teacher conferences. Simply create time slots and then parents/guardians can pick the slot that works for them.
  • Statistics- You can see the engagement rate as families interact with announcements, invitations, etc. in your classroom.


ClassTag is easy to use and navigate while prompting you for your “next steps” for setting up your virtual classroom. Take it one step at a time, utilizing the features you need!


ClassTag also entices teachers by issuing points when they set up events, activities, etc. in their classroom that can be redeemed for items such as: school supplies, a Teachers Pay Teachers gift card, learning podcasts and learning videos.


ClassTag enables parents/guardians to be partners in the learning process, support your classroom, and stay updated with current and past learning (activities, files, pictures, and videos) in your classroom. Parents/guardians can also communicate with other families within the class, should they choose to share their contact information.

Concluding Thoughts

Use my referral link below to fall in love with ClassTag! Keep doing amazing things in your classroom!

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