Relax (v)- Make or become less stressed or anxious
Relax. A five letter word that I struggle with. As a typical Type A go-getter personality, I have trouble relaxing. I feel the need to always be busy. I feel the need to always improve and be better. I can’t even watch a tv show without doing something else on the side. My brain goes in 5 different directions with a mental to do list that never ends. Can anyone else relate? I know I can’t be the only one.
Relax. My fiancé constantly tells me to relax, even during the summer. Besides teaching summer school and working on a little TPT, I am planning on relaxing and here’s why. I work hard all school year and don’t have enough time for rest and recuperation on the weekends. This can lead to teacher burnout. Yup, I said it and it is a real thing. Signs of teacher burnout include but are not limited to: fatigue and sleep issues, concentration issues, appetite and weight issues, and depression and anxiety.
So, how can we relax during the summer and avoid teacher burnout?
- Make time for yourself. Get that massage you have been longing for or get your nails done. Go for a run, swim, yoga, or some form of exercise for an hour each day. Self-care is huge in avoiding teacher burnout and maintaining a healthy physical state.
- Take a vacation or a staycation. Put down the phone and stay off social media for a certain number of days (you set the goal). Better yet, don’t check your work email all summer. Enjoy hobbies and recreational activities that bring you joy. Give your brain a true mental break from school.
- Surround yourself with positive people who love and support you. Catch up with family, friends, and colleagues in a non-work setting. Lunch dates/ice cream dates and barbecues are my favorite ways to catch up with the ones that I sometimes don’t make time for during the hectic school year.
Seeing the sights at the marina in Key West. Relaxing in the Florida Keys with my fiance and family.
Teaching is a demanding job where you give your whole heart every single day. You can’t do this with an empty tank so be sure to focus on filling your tank. Comment below with how you are relaxing this summer!